What is 1000 Books Before Kindergarten?
1,000 Books Before Kindergarten is a free program encouraging all parents and caregivers to read daily to their children, ensuring a solid foundation for learning when their child reaches kindergarten.
How Does 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten work?
Step 1: Register
Sign up at the Alcester Community Library and receive a book bag filled with some goodies!
Step 2: Track Your Reading on READsquared or on paper logs
Keep track of each book you read on the READsquared app or website. We know children love repetition and it helps them learn, so feel free to read the same books over and over!
You can track your reading:
Online at our 1,000 Books READsquared page.
Printable Paper Logs found on the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten website, click here.
Step 3: Show us your progress
Once you reach 500 books you will receive a special stuffed reading buddy. When you reach 1,000 books you'll receive a free book to keep! If tracking on READsquared the app will let you know when to come into the library to receive prizes. If you are logging on paper, please bring your logs into the library in order to receive your prizes.